Who would of thought that the most covetable dress of the season would be a mere $38! This fall, ditch the DVF and forget the Foley + Corinna because American Apparel has just launched Le Sac Dress, an incredibly versatile, entirely chic little frock than can be worn in more ways than one!
Le Sac Dress features a drape-y silhouette and one-size-fits-all, super-long (150 inches) straps that can wrapped, tied, crissed, and crossed in multiple ways to create unique looks for day or night. Plus, the straps are actually removable, so you can replace them with colorful or printed ribbon to really customize the look.

The dress is currently available in five cool colors, but Le Sac Dress will be available in a wider range of hues soon. Check out American Apparel to purchase Le Sac Dress and find step-by-step photos of ways to wear it.
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